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English translation for "恨之入骨"

hate someone to the core [marrow]; cherish bitter hatred; consumed with hatred for ...; harbour an intense [bitter] hatred (for sb.); hate ... like anything; hate ... like poison; hate sb. to the marrow of one's bones; hate with all one's soul; have a deep-seated hatred (for sb.); (his) hatred goes to (his) marrow.; hatred has penetrated the bones.; hatred is so bitter that ..

Related Translations:
互相恨之入骨:  hate each other like poison
对某人恨之入骨:  dislike sb intensely
我所恨之入骨者之一:  one of my pet hates
Example Sentences:
1.He was black and blind with hatred of her .
2.When he wanted amusement, all that stood in his way he hated .
3.All the students in berlin wanted to see and hear this man whom his adherents so much admired and his opponents so much detested .
4.Why he took such a rooted dislike to me
5.I dare san - tanna to show his face now you ' re here
6.In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy
7.And she suspects we all hate her just as much as you do
8.And she suspects we all hate her just as much as you do
9.- and they make him watch . - that ' s a lot of hate
-而且还让他眼睁睁地看着. -真是恨之入骨
10.Regina . you seem to really hate her
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