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English translation for "恩中"

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Example Sentences:
1.But paul took silas and went away with the blessing of the brothers
2.And paul chose silas , and departed , being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of god
3.But paul chose silas and left , being committed by the brethren to the grace of the lord
徒15 : 40保罗拣选了西拉、也出去、蒙弟兄们把他交于主的恩中
4.God loves you . he wants you to freely enjoy the grace he prepares for you . he wants you to find the value and meaning of life in his salvation
神爱你, ?要你在基督里享受?为你所预备的恩典,使你重新在?的救恩中找到人生的价值与意义。
5.When the congregation was dismissed , many of the jews and devout converts to judaism followed paul and barnabas , who talked with them and urged them to continue in the grace of god
6.Now when the congregation was broken up , many of the jews and religious proselytes followed paul and barnabas : who , speaking to them , persuaded them to continue in the grace of god
7.In saving private ryan , tom hanks was given a nervous twitch in his hand , instead of a cigarette . but in the current film monster ' s ball , one of the writers says smoking is a creative choice
8.And when the synagogue gathering had been dismissed , many of the jews and the devout proselytes followed paul and barnabas , who spoke to them and urged them to continue in the grace of god
9.Now when the meeting was ended , a number of the jews and of the god - fearing gentiles who had become jews , went after paul and barnabas : who put before them how important it was to keep on in the grace of god
10.Acts 13 : 43 and when the synagogue gathering had been dismissed , many of the jews and the devout proselytes followed paul and barnabas , who spoke to them and urged them to continue in the grace of god
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