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English translation for "恬娜"


Related Translations:
:  形容词[书面语]1.(恬静) quiet; peaceful; tranquil; calm 短语和例子恬适 quiet and contented [comfortable]2.(满不在乎; 坦然) not care at all; remain unperturbed; carefree
恬妮:  ni tien
恬赫:  diem he
高恬:  gao tian
恬江:  diem giang
恬和:  quiet and gentle
恬妞:  niu tien
蒙恬:  meng tianwewa
恬噪:  caw
荼恬:  tu tian
Example Sentences:
1.The two in their quest , seek refuge to tenar ' s place , an old acquaintance of ged
2.And tenar ' s fair hair and blue eyes are right , since she ' s a minority type from the kargish islands
3.Therru who had been abandoned by her parents , avoids arren who holds darkness within and occasionally devastated with despair
4.Arren who fears that he will be unable to control the violent " other self " finally goes away from tenar ' s house
Similar Words:
"恬静的" English translation, "恬静的姑娘" English translation, "恬美" English translation, "恬梦与星光" English translation, "恬漠无事" English translation, "恬妮" English translation, "恬然" English translation, "恬然入梦" English translation, "恬然自若" English translation, "恬适" English translation