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English translation for "恶语中伤"

[ èyǔzhōngshāng ] 
viciously slander; calumniate; cast aspersions on sb.; say malicious remarks to hurt sb.; speak ill of sb.; use abusive words to hurt others; use bad language to insult people

Related Translations:
恶语中伤某人:  say nasty things about sb
含沙射影恶语中伤:  vilify sb. by insinuation
他想起那些曾恶语中伤他的爱人的人们:  he thinks of those who have spoken evil of his beloved
Example Sentences:
1.Most of the nasty cards were addressed to the pot - bellied , cross - eyed , one - legged or to old maids , wishing them the three dreadful " ds " : disgrace , death or damnation
2.He also denied any regret for the insults he and his lieutenants hurled at the indian - born entrepreneur ' s company and culture , including a dismissal of mittal shares as “ monkey money ”
Similar Words:
"恶语, 骂人的话" English translation, "恶语攻击" English translation, "恶语毁谤" English translation, "恶语毁谤的" English translation, "恶语伤人胜刀见" English translation, "恶语中伤某人" English translation, "恶域" English translation, "恶源太" English translation, "恶运" English translation, "恶运, 倒霉" English translation