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English translation for "悄无声息地"

on cat paws
without a sound
Example Sentences:
1.Today i came up behind him in perfect silence and he knew
2.Xiao tian slipped along the curtain to the balcony secretly
3.Then she retired so gently that valentine did not know she had left the room
4.It comes without a whisper , quiet as thistledown , brushing the corner of a hillside garden
5.Without static checking , the aop framework silently fails by not invoking any advice
在没有进行静态检查的情况下, aop框架无法调用任何通知,因此会悄无声息地失败。
6.Along with more and more 3d animation advertisements showed on tv screen , computer animation is becoming one part of people ' s life
7.Some well - maintained sites are updated with very current information , but other sites may become quickly dated or disappear altogether without much notice
8.Controlling diabetes is important because the condition can quietly damage blood vessels , leading to loss of toes and limbs , blindness , heart disease and death
9.Controlling diabetes is important because the condition can quietly damage blood vessels , leading to loss of toes and limbs , blindness , heart disease and death
10.Controlling diabetes is important because the condition can quietly damage blood vessels , leading to loss of toes and limbs , blindness , heart disease and death
Similar Words:
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