击: 动词1.(打; 敲打) beat; hit; strike 短语和例子击掌 clap one's hands; 那位拳击手看准了机会, 猛击对手的下颚。 the boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw. 在最后一刻, 那位运动员终于击进了一球。 at the last moment the play
悬: Ⅰ动词1.(挂) hang; suspend 短语和例子悬在半空中的气球 a balloon suspended in mid air; 红日高悬。 the sun rides high in heaven. 一轮圆月悬在空中。 a full moon hung in the sky.2.(挂念) feel anxious; be solicitous 短语和例子悬念 be