冲击: 1.(水流等撞击) lash; pound 短语和例子激流对海岸的冲击 the impact of the swift current against the shore; 海浪冲击着礁石, 飞起像珠子般的水花。 the wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.2.(迅猛攻击) charge; assau
悬: Ⅰ动词1.(挂) hang; suspend 短语和例子悬在半空中的气球 a balloon suspended in mid air; 红日高悬。 the sun rides high in heaven. 一轮圆月悬在空中。 a full moon hung in the sky.2.(挂念) feel anxious; be solicitous 短语和例子悬念 be