Plainly, and in no dubious terms, he confessed that love . 他非常明确而情真意切地表白了他的爱情。
During this unavoidable lapse of time the bridegroom, in proof of his eagerness, was expected to expose himself alone to the gaze of the assembled company . 在这不可避免的间隙中,新郎必须单独出现在众目睽睽之下,以表明他对新娘情真意切的渴望。
Love me tender , love me true ; all my dream ful fill , for my darling , i love you . and i always will 温柔地爱我,情真意切,我所有的梦想都已实现,亲爱的,我爱你,直至永远。
Consequently , teacher talk must be standardized , accurate and logical with its vividness , enlightenment , sincerity , emotion , meaning and humor 因此教学语言必须规范准确,具有逻辑性;生动形象,富有启发性;情真意切,深于传情;诙谐含蓄,具有趣味性。
I went around to the front of the house , sat down on the steps , and , the crying over , i ached , and my father must have hurt , too , a little 我绕到房子的前面,坐在台阶上,哭了一阵之后,我感到阵阵心痛,我的父亲心里肯定也有一点不好受。简析:动作描写,情真意切。
Don ' t call it love : nobody believes that i really care for you , they don ' t think my heart is true , don ' t think you agree you know i am a lifetime guarantee 这不仅是爱:谁都不相信,我对你的情真意切,因为他们不理解这种深情,我知道你不会这样思酌,你深信我值得你信赖,信赖终生
It is said this art form encompasses poem , music , dance and drama into one form . it has significant position in chinese history of local opera , literature and muaic 武功技术卓绝,表演情真意切,它有诗的意境,画的风采,熔诗、乐、歌、舞、戏于一炉,在中国戏曲史、文学史、音乐史上都占有重要的地位。
Through a dialogue between poet yan ai - lin ' s magical imagination and the deep emotions of the residents of dalongdong , a map of the land stretches out to dunhuang and urumqi in western china , and to hami in mongolia ( all namesakes of locales in dalongdong ) , redrawing the map of the heart with a love letter of true affection 藉由诗人神奇的想像与当地居民的深情对话,颜艾琳把被地理地图发配到敦煌、哈密、迪化等边疆的大龙峒,以情真意切的情书拼图重新规划成一张情感的版图。
Li shangyin ' s poetry language simple and beautiful , implication abstruse , ideal condition dim profound , contains the deep connotation and tactful vague commends the union , the mind world took performance object , by dim touching , the sentiment true meaning cuts , in collects the temperate way and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends , has one kind of intense sympathetic chord , this article elaborates li shangyin ' s poetry emphatically the exploration and the contribution which makes in the digging mind world aspect 李商隐的诗歌文辞清丽、意蕴深微、意境朦胧幽深,含蓄深沉的内涵与委婉隐晦的表相结合,将心灵世界作为表现对象,以朦胧凄婉,情真意切,内敛温和的方式与后人心灵最深处的情感相交融,产生一种强烈的共鸣,本文着重论述李商隐的诗歌在开掘心灵世界方面所做出的探索和贡献。