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English translation for "惟利是图"

be bent solely on profit; be intent on nothing but profit; interested only in material gain; profit-grabbing; put profit-making first; try to turn everything to one's own advantage; with the profit motive paramount; work exclusively for profit

Related Translations:
惟利是图的商人:  money-oriented salespeople
Example Sentences:
1.There is no virtue the heart of a mercenary man
2.Mercenary little prick . - y ou ' ve met him
3.- mercenary little prick . - y ou ' ve met him
4.From that point of view , it is less mercenary and money - oriented compared with a normal market
5.“ what upsets me the most is that some people called me a mercenary who was only out for cash
6.It strikes me as dull , and stupid , and mercenary , and tricky . anyway i am not adapted for it
7.Any company , if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality , is bound to be chased out of business
8.The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country
9.The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country
10.The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country
Similar Words:
"惟恐,免得" English translation, "惟恐、万一、说不定" English translation, "惟恐,后面" English translation, "惟恐天下不乱" English translation, "惟赖" English translation, "惟利是图的商人" English translation, "惟良" English translation, "惟隆" English translation, "惟茂" English translation, "惟美" English translation