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English translation for "愚蠢之极"

be the height of folly pole

Related Translations:
高兴之极:  flioutflip out
变愚蠢:  hebetate
愚蠢至极:  i'm so stupid
愚蠢之至:  midsummer madness
使愚蠢:  hebetateidiotize
有点愚蠢:  a little foolishjust a bit stupid
愚蠢地:  absurdlydaftlyfondlyfrivolouslyimpoliticlymadlymindlesslynonsensicallysillilystupidly
如此愚蠢:  stupid like this
愚蠢的人:  featherbrainjackassthe silly man
愚蠢的恐惧:  a foolish fear
Example Sentences:
1.It ' s impossible to turn it off . - i did something really stupid
这怎么可能关掉呢? -我做了件愚蠢之极的事
2.- it ' s impossible to turn it off . - i did something really stupid
-这怎么可能关掉呢? -我做了件愚蠢之极的事
3." she has that property in her name , " he kept saying to himself . " what a fool trick that was
“产业在她的名下, ”他不断对自己说, “这一招真是愚蠢之极
4." as they ran through the complex they wrecked everything they could , the christmas tree - they bowled everything over . . . just absolute fools , " he told the associated press
“他们边跑边破坏所有能破坏的东西,推到了圣诞树以及上面的所有东西… … (他们)真是愚蠢之极”他对美联社陈述时说道。
Similar Words:
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