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English translation for "慢步地"

at a walk

Related Translations:
慢步:  1.(一种用于葬礼和其他仪式场合的步伐) slow time2.(缓慢、 规则、 摇晃的走路姿态) jog trot3.(稳健、从容、缓慢的步伐) shag◇慢步跑 hand gallop; 慢步跳舞 walk; 慢步舞 walk-around; 慢步舞曲 walk-around
慢步走:  walk with slow regular even steps
短慢步:  short walk
慢步跳舞:  walk
慢步舞曲:  walk-around
慢步跑:  hand gallop
高级慢步:  advancedwalk
慢步舞:  schottische
自由慢步:  free walk
走慢步:  in walk
Example Sentences:
1.Nikolay sent the groom to call his sister and petya to come to him , and rode at a walking pace towards the spot where the whippers - in were getting the hounds together . several of the party galloped to the scene of the squabble
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