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English translation for "憋得慌"

[ biēdéhuāng ]
feel suffocated

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(抑制; 堵住) shut up; hold back; suppress 短语和例子憋住气 hold one's breath; 憋住不说 hold back one's tongue; 憋一口气 hold one's breath; 憋不住 be unable to hold oneself back; can't contain oneself; 憋了一肚子火
憋一口气:  hold one
憋车:  bie che
憋压:  build the pressurebuildthepre ure
憋钻:  bit bouncing
憋屈:  nurse agrievance
别憋:  bie
憋泵:  pump choking up
憋不住:  can't contain oneself
憋住气:  hold one’s breath
Example Sentences:
1." i can speak , but i can t get my breath when i do . i can t breathe
2.That pleased her , yet she felt for some reason constrained and oppressed in his presence
3.Aunt sally jumped for her , and most hugged the head off of her , and cried over her , and i found a good enough place for me under the bed , for it was getting pretty sultry for us , seemed to me
Similar Words:
"憋" English translation, "憋泵" English translation, "憋不住" English translation, "憋不住气" English translation, "憋车" English translation, "憋得直流泪" English translation, "憋了一肚子火" English translation, "憋闷" English translation, "憋尿,他们不该说什么意思" English translation, "憋气" English translation