Having starred in quite a lot of comedies , he certainly knows the knack of comedy acting well . on the other hand , his performance just seems to fall short a bit whenever the romance comes and a more emotional portrayal is required 他在甜丝丝内亦以喜剧部份的拿捏较佳本是电台dj的他颇能活用其说话清晰富节奏的优势很多场戏本来都不太好笑但在他演绎下顿时加分不少。
The king was satisfied ; so the duke got out his book and read the parts over in the most splendid spread - eagle way , prancing around and acting at the same time , to show how it had got to be done ; then he give the book to the king and told him to get his part by heart 公爵就拿来他的戏本,念角色的台词,念时双手一伸一伸,极尽装腔作势的能事。一边跳来跳去,作示范的动作,表演了该怎么个演法。随后他把那本书交给了国王,要他把他那个角色的台词背熟。