| 1. | The compass made possible navigation out of sight of land . 罗盘使得远洋航行成为可能。 |
| 2. | This would enable the production of subset catalogues by subject . 这将使按主题编制子集合目录成为可能。 |
| 3. | The appropriation of the land made it possible to have a new building . 该块土地的拨用使得建造新楼成为可能。 |
| 4. | The industrial revolution was possible because of this energy abundance . 这种丰富的能源使工业革命成为可能。 |
| 5. | In the case of the end we shall understand that they may be "inside" a region . 对于末稍,我们将它们理解成为可能在某个区域“内”。 |
| 6. | The hcn laser makes possible studies of the hitherto inaccessible region of the far infrared . HCN激光使得至今尚未达到的远红外区域的研究成为可能。 |
| 7. | It is safe to say that the scientific method made possible the technological civilization of today . 完全可以这样说,科学方法使今天的技术文明成为可能。 |
| 8. | The authors of the several volumes deserve much credit for their enthusiasm which made this experiment possible . 若干卷的作者值得我们予以推崇,由于他们的热情使本项实验成为可能。 |
| 9. | From about the middle of the eighteenth century the improvement in agricultural technique began to make it possible to economize in labour . 自十八世纪中叶前后起,由于农业技术的改进,节约劳动力开始成为可能。 |
| 10. | Spaceship make it possible to travel to the moon 宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能。 |