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English translation for "戴上手套"

put on one's gloves

Related Translations:
戴上:  don; put on 短语和例子戴上镣铐 in irons; 干吗不戴上帽子? why don't you put on your cap? 他穿上工作服, 戴上柳条帽。 he donned work clothes and a wicker helmet
戴上安全帽:  put on your helmet
戴上镜子:  put on one's glasses
戴上面具:  wearing masks
急忙戴上:  slip something on
戴上镣铐:  be shackledbe in chains
戴上眼镜:  put one’s spectacles on
戴上口罩:  28.wear a respirator
戴上保险套:  putting on the condom
请戴上安全帽:  put on your safety helmet please
Example Sentences:
1.He stood up and put on his gloves .
2.Gloves should be worn while cleaning up birds droppings
3.Pull on your gloves when you go outside , it ' s very cold
4.Wear gloves and a mask while removing the vomitus
5.14 . consume food as soon as it is done
13 .不要徒手处理熟食如有需要,应戴上手套
6.3 . wear gloves while handling blood and body fluids
3 .接触血液及体液时须戴上手套
7.No , i never heard that . get a mitt , fat - ass
8.Wear protective gloves when handling raw pork
9.Gloves must be done prior to the decontamination procedure
10.Wear gloves or mittens and , if you ' re outdoors , a hat
Similar Words:
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