By his special wish no one attended that ceremony, or wore black for him . 根据他特别留下的遗言,火葬时谁也不让参加,也不许戴孝。
And yet , my dear , the child is in mourning - surely it is - and she may be lamed for life ! 可是,我亲爱的,这孩子在戴孝当然是啦她也许一辈子都残废啦!
Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead , such as a black armband or black clothes 戴孝为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服
And yet , my dear , the child is in mourning - surely it is - and she may be lamed for life ! 而起现在,噢,我的天,这个孩子还在戴孝,肯定是她了,她也许会落下跛脚! ”
It s not the wife anyhow , nosey flynn said . i met him the day before yesterday and he coming out of that irish farm dairy john wyse nolan s wife has in henry street with a jar of cream in his hand taking it home to his better half . she s well nourished , i tell you “反正他也不是替老婆戴孝, ”大鼻子弗林说, “前天我还碰见他正从约翰怀思诺兰的妻子在亨利大街上经营的那家爱尔兰牛奶坊里走出来,手里捧着一罐子奶油,带回去给心爱的太太。