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English translation for "房檐"

[ fángyán ] 

Related Translations:
房檐下的鸟巢:  a bird's nest under the overhang of the roof
Example Sentences:
1.Rain was drumming on the roof, wind fluting in the eaves of the cottage, sea performing glissandi with the beach .
2.To be sittin ' on the same porch with above - average
3.The swallows nested under eaves
4.While squatting and cramming himself under the eaves , he conjectured that : why she always came last for the meal was probably the same as that of him
5.The object of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles as they rolled to the roof ' s edge and shot out into the yard like comets falling from the sky
6.Furniture , wallpaper , carpets , windows , doors , cornice work , whole room decorations , in short everything outside and inside , every fixed and movable part of the house , even the entire house can be purchased ready - made in the marketplace
7.He stood up , mopped the face with a hand , took the half bowl of residual soup to the boiled water room at the southwest corner , mixed some boiled water into the soup from a pipe hanging on the back wall of boiled water room , broke the steamed buns of broomcorn flour into pieces , soaked them in the bowl , squatted under the eaves and started devouring the food
Similar Words:
"房租押金" English translation, "房租帐单" English translation, "房祖明" English translation, "房祖名" English translation, "房阻滞" English translation, "房檐下的鸟巢" English translation, "房窦停止" English translation, "房笃" English translation, "防" English translation, "防 x 射线玻璃" English translation