拍打: pat; beat; slap; flutter 短语和例子拍打身上的灰尘 pat the dust off one's clothes; 波浪拍打着船舷 waves lapping against the sides of the boat; 雨拍打着窗子。 rain slapped at the window.; 拍打器 beater; 拍打声 lap; plash;
屁股: 1.(臀部) hip; buttocks; bottom; behind; backside 短语和例子摔了个屁股蹲儿 fall on one's bottom; 一屁股坐到椅子上 slump into a chair; 把屁股坐到 ... 那一边去 have gone over the side of2.(动物的臀部) rump; haunch; hindquarters