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English translation for "扔掉武器"


Related Translations:
扔掉:  throw away; cast aside; discard 短语和例子把烟头扔掉 throw the cigarette butt away; 好传统、好作风绝不能扔掉。 on no account should we discard our fine traditions and styles of work
扔掉废物:  throw the waste away
把东西扔掉:  throw something to the dogs
扔掉的东西:  the hurds
把烟头扔掉:  throw the cigarette butt away
可以扔掉垃圾:  air cannot be an element because an element cannot be separated
无用而扔掉:  lead a dog’s life
这些垃圾必须扔掉:  he is talking rubbish
扔掉的旧衣服:  old discarded clothes
急忙扔掉某物:  drop sth. like a hot chestnut
Example Sentences:
1.Petya was galloping on round the courtyard , but instead of holding the reins , he was flinging up both arms in a strange way , and slanting more and more to one side in the saddle
Similar Words:
"扔掉;摆脱;放出" English translation, "扔掉;乱花" English translation, "扔掉的东西" English translation, "扔掉的旧衣服" English translation, "扔掉废物" English translation, "扔东西" English translation, "扔回" English translation, "扔回, 阻止, 被迫依靠, 反射" English translation, "扔回来,阻止,进攻" English translation, "扔回去" English translation