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English translation for "抛物线法"

parabolic method

Related Translations:
温度抛物线:  temperature hyperbola
抛物线调制:  parabolic modulation
抛物线氧化:  parabolic oxidation
抛物线检波:  parabolic detection
抛物线调节器:  parabolic governor
抛物线族:  family of parabolas
抛物线天线:  parabolic antenna
抛物线近似:  parabolic approximation
抛物线拱:  parabolic arch
抛物线回归:  parabolic regression
Example Sentences:
1.Another is curvature - parabolic method according to centrifugal acceleration of the vehicle in settlement section
2.Then , in order to meet the need of relevant parameter calculating conveniently , basing on the principium of the material mechanics , the cube - parabola method in calculating bending strength parameter number is provided
3.One is roughness - parabolic method according to the request of " technical specifications for maintenance of highway asphalt pavement " and " technical specifications of cement concrete pavement maintenance for highway "
4.The main contents about calculation of cable curve for suspension bridges are as follows : firstly , parabola theory , a traditional calculation theory of linetype for suspension bridge , is introduced . according to behavior of suspension bridge , segmental catenary theory which is an exact calculation theory of cable curve for suspension bridges is then built . after that , the errors and adaptable range of segmental parabola theory , segmental straight - line theory and traditional parabola theory are compared one another
悬索桥线形计算部分的主要内容如下:首先,介绍了悬索桥的传统线形计算理论? ?抛物线理论;根据悬索桥的特征,建立了悬索桥主缆线形计算的精确理论? ?分段悬链线理论;并由此比较了分段抛物线法、分段直线法及传统抛物线理论的误差和适用范围;分析了索长变化、跨度变化及主缆变形引起的恒载重分布对主缆线形的影响。
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