[ hùlù ] 1.(巡逻和保护铁路或公路) patrol and guard a road or railway 2.(道路保养) road maintenance ◇护路队 road maintenance team; 护路工 trackman; 护路林 protective belt (of trees) along a road
护路员工兄弟会: brotherhood of maintenance of way employes
Example Sentences:
A worker employed to maintain or inspect railroad tracks 巡道工,护路员受雇保养或巡查铁道的工人
The spokesman added : “ i think the serious point to make is that road workers are far more handsome than these three ugly blighters 工会发言人接着说道: “我认为护路工人比这三位丑男(指蒋队,德黑,小巴)要英俊得多. ”
It plays an amenity , shade protection of roads , dust compartment , the regulation of climate , the protection and improvement of urban ecological environment , and other important role 它起着美化市容,遮荫护路,隔间防尘,调节气候,保护和改善城市生态环境等重要作用。