The majority of students drop away from science . 大多数学生却在科学进军的道路上抱恨落伍了。
One folly was enough, especially when it was to last for ever . 一件蠢事已经够了,尤其是会令人抱恨终生的蠢事。
If you were to be sentenced to death , and to be shot the next day , there would surely be a lot of things , you had wrongly down in your life , for you to be regretful of ; yet , it would be to late to do so ; and regret doesn ` t help matters 如果你现在要将你判处死刑,绑赴刑场,执行枪决,你一定有许多许多悔恨的事情,然而已经悔之晚矣,你只有抱恨终生,此恨绵绵
It has no dignity and is singularly unattractive . those everlasting regrets , not for wrong turnings taken but for wrong calculations made and money foolishly spent , are among the most harrowing things that can be heard 这种晚年没有一点点尊严,引不起别人的丝毫同情,这种抱恨终生的心情是我们所能听到的最悲惨的事情,因为她们并不是追悔过去的失足,而是悔恨错打了算盘,滥用了金钱。
And believe that your kindness has made me love you deeper than if i deserved your love : and though i couldn t , and cannot help showing my nature to you , i regret it and repent it ; and shall regret and repent it till i die 你要相信:你的善良使我更深深地爱你,比起你的爱如果我配承受你的爱的话还要深些,虽然我曾经不能,而且也没法不向你暴露我的本性,我很抱歉,而且悔恨我要抱恨到死!