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English translation for "抽象推理"

abstract reasoning

Related Translations:
抽象工厂:  abstract factory
纯抽象:  complete abstraction
抽象释义:  abstract interpretation
抽象政治经济学:  abstract political economy
抽象态度:  abstract attitude
抽象阶段:  level of abstraction
抽象战略:  abstract strategy
抽象图:  abstract graph
抽象关联:  abstract-association
抽象积分:  abstract integral
Example Sentences:
1.J . capability for abstract reasoning
2.Capability for abstract reasoning
3.The major contributions of predictions came from spelling , numerical reasoning , verbal reasoning , language usage , clerical speed and accuracy
4.It also sits uncomfortably with the separate , but parallel , argument that correct moral choices are the result of a sort of biological decision - making programme , shaped by evolution , rather than being arrived at by abstract reasoning
5.More specifically , the research provides an appropriate framework of entities among which causal relations are to hold ; it also develops a theoretical framework of event causation , under which the structures and elements of causal relations holding among these ontological entities can be described ; it gives a general representation tool for event causation supported by the ontological and theoretical frameworks , under which causal relations can be formalized as causal rules for practical reasoning , e . g . , predictive reasoning , in which nonmonotonicity , as well as the other general properties and the nature of elements involved , can be captured ; it constructs computational frameworks for abstract causal reasoning models , such as causal prediction , causal explanation , and causal diagnosis ; and it finally extends and utilizes these abstract reasoning models to formalize causal knowledge in specific domains to develop practical causal reasoning systems for ai research , e . g . , story understanding and legal reasoning . the research i s original from several aspects as follows : ( 1 ) the analysis of the internal structure of events provides a fundamental ontology for causal relations
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