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English translation for "拒发签证"

refusal of visa

Related Translations:
拒按:  defy pressingtenderness
拒婚:  refuse
拒保:  declinature
拒电子:  electrophobic
拒水性:  water repellency
拒火:  fire resistance
拒门锁:  cupboard-lock
拒木:  abatisabattis
拒听:  turn a deaf ear to
拒乳:  sucking rejection
Example Sentences:
1.Visas were withheld from some members of the delegation
2.People were refused visasentry permits
3.The consular officer who refused your visa is highly trained
4.Ok say , this kind of course of action is of no help , can cause even make ( get ) the house feels disgusted and be sent by refus visa
5.Article 26 the authorities handling aliens ' applications for entry , transit , residence and travel shall have the power to refuse to issue visas and certificates or to cancel visas and certificates already issued or declare them invalid
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