呆佬拜寿: only fools fall in lovethe dunce attends a birthday partythe fool pays respects
Example Sentences:
Fuk was the master of chiu s family , he was intelligent but mean . fuk was hurt in the head and turned foolish during a chinese traditional ceremony 呆佬拜寿取材自民间故事,以幽默搞笑的手法道出古时贫富之间的矛盾和冲突。
No one would have thought in looking at this old , weather - beaten , floral - decked tower which might be likened to an elderly dame dressed up to receive her grandchildren at a birthday feast that it would have been capable of telling strange things , if , - in addition to the menacing ears which the proverb says all walls are provided with , - it had also a voice 看它这种满脸皱纹盛装艳抹的样子,真象是一位等候她的孙儿女来向她拜寿的老太太,然而,假如象古谚语所说隔墙有耳的话,它能讲出好几件可怕的悲剧,这恐怕是谁都想得到的。