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English translation for "拥簇"

gather round

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(抱) hold in one's arms; embrace; hug 短语和例子把孩子紧紧拥在怀里 hug the child tightly2.(围着) gather around 短语和例子病人拥被而坐。 the patient sat wrapped in a quilt. 他喜欢让自己身边拥着有趣的人们。 he likes to surround him
拥壁:  retaining wallrevetment
吉拥:  aitana sanchez-gijon
初拥:  embraceworld of darkness
拥水:  heading up
之拥:  embrace the wild
拥蓝:  have blue
拥吻:  embrass
拥片:  pile up of film
恶魔之拥:  demonic embrace
Example Sentences:
1.The next day , the groom is accompanied by friends , relatives , musicians and bunga manggar palm blossom carriers to the bride s house where they are usually greeted with the sprinkling of yellow rice and scented water
Similar Words:
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