[ bǔfēngzhuōyǐng ] chase the wind and clutch at shadows -- make groundless accusations; bark up the wrong tree; be a mare's-nest; beat the air; catch [clutch] at shadows; catching the wind and grasping at the shadow; catch the winds and grasp the shadow -- invent a story; grasp at shadows -- to trump; make accusations on hearsay; make up a story; run after a shadow; speak or act on hearsay evidence
Example Sentences:
Don't look for shadows that don't exist . 千万不能捕风捉影啊。
She never did and never could put words together out of her own head . 她从来没有,也永远不会无中生有,捕风捉影。
Dorothea checked herself suddenly with self-rebuke for the presumptuous way . 多萝西娅想到这里,蓦地打住了,责备自己捕风捉影。
Most of those reports were a nightmare-grotesque, circumstantial, eager, and untrue . 那些报道大多数都是一场噩梦离奇古怪,捕风捉影,煞有介事,而且不真实。
Hearsay to you , pillow talk to the da 对你来说是捕风捉影,对检察官来说是甜言蜜语
The new york times poisoned its own story by nods and winks 《纽约时报》的这篇报道本就有捕风捉影之嫌。
And that one particular e - mail , i thought , was totally out of context 而且,我认为那封特殊的电子邮件完全是捕风捉影。
If they trace any accounts , they ' ll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination 如果他们跟踪到什么,他们呢也仅仅只是在捕风捉影
Most of those reports were a nightmare - grotesque , circumstantial , eager , and untrue 那些报道大多数都是一场噩梦? ?离奇古怪,捕风捉影,煞有介事,而且不真实。
But much of the action transpired behind closed doors , with journalists left to glean bits of information from after - the - fact briefings 但关上门之后才进入正题,空余一群记者在会后的简报中捕风捉影。