English translation for "捧到天上"
- applaud a person to the skies
Related Translations:
捧: Ⅰ动词1.(用双手托) hold or carry in both hands 短语和例子捧着一个大碗 hold a big bowl in both hands; 他捧起水来喝了一大口。 he scooped up some water with his hands and took a big mouthful. 她双手捧着孩子的脸。 she cupped the ch 大捧特捧: extravagantly praise; make a fuss over [about] 捧着: birthday cakesth. in one’s hands 捧物: to bear or offer gifts in both hands
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | All meryton seemed striving to blacken the man , who , but three months before , had been almost an angel of light 三个月以前,差不多整个麦里屯的人们都把这个男人捧到天上三个月以后,整个麦里屯的人都说他的坏话。 | | 2. | Anna : i know your life is perfect . your perfect job , perfect boyfriend , perfect patients who worship the ground you walk on 我知道你的生活很完美。你那完美的工作,完美的男朋友,完美的一群病人都把你捧到天上去了。 |
- Similar Words:
- "捧场的评论" English translation, "捧场迷" English translation, "捧场人" English translation, "捧场文章" English translation, "捧臭脚" English translation, "捧腹" English translation, "捧腹大笑" English translation, "捧腹大笑, 笑得前仰后合" English translation, "捧腹绝倒" English translation, "捧羹把盏" English translation