English translation for "捻 "
Ⅰ动词 1.(用手指搓) twist with the fingers 短语和例子 把纱线捻在一起 twist threads together; 捻个纸捻儿 twist up a paper spill 2.[方言] (罱) dredge up 短语和例子 捻河泥 dredge up sludge from a river Ⅱ名词 (捻子) sth. made by twisting 短语和例子 灯捻儿 lampwick; 纸捻儿 a paper spill Related Translations:左捻 : left hand layleft layleft twistleft-hand layleftlaidleft-way twists lay
s捻 : reverse twists twistweft way twistweft-way twist
捻发音 : crepitant ralescrepitationcrepitusfine cracklesvesicular rale
单向捻 : unidirectional twist
普通捻 : ordinary lay; regular layregular lay
倍捻 : double twistingtwo for one twisting
倍捻加捻管 : double-twist twist tube
Example Sentences: 1. Rolling a pencil between his fingers . 把铅笔夹在他的指头上捻 。 2. At the snap of my fingers, the dog will lie down . 我一捻 响手指狗就躺下。 3. Viciously, warren trent stubbed out his cigar . 沃伦特伦特恶狠狠地捻 熄了雪茄。 4. Fibers may be loosely or tightly twisted into yarns . 纤维可以是膨松地或紧密地捻 成纱线。 5. Herman turned up the wick . 赫尔曼把灯心捻 高。 6. She saw manya twiddling a young green chestnut leaf under her nose . 她看到玛尼娅在鼻子底下捻 弄着一片新绿的栗树叶子。 7. "no. i'd be too scared to run," emil admitted mournfully, twisting his fingers . “不,我吓得跑不动了,”爱弥儿难过地说,一边捻 着他的手指头。 8. Uiliami blew the whistle suspended on his broad bare chest by a cord of coconut fiber . 尤利亚米吹响了哨子,这哨子穿在一根椰毛捻 的绳子上,挂在他宽阔裸露的胸前。 9. He took a final puff at the clipped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand . 他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻 熄。 10. If i now rub one of these crumbs till it is fine, i reduce it to tiny fragments that can hardly be seen . 如果我把其中的一粒捻 得更细一点,它就会成为肉眼几乎辩不清的微粒。
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