[ liāo; liáo; liǎo; liào; lǎo; lào ] 撩 动 1.(掀起) lift up; hold up; raise 短语和例子 撩起窗帘 lift up the curtain2.(用手洒水) sprinkle with one's hand 短语和例子 往地上撩些水 sprinkle some water on the floor
He winked at kamejiro, and chucked him under the chin with the whip . 他朝龟次郎眨眨眼睛,用鞭子撩撩他下巴。
Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me . 无论你把我叫做什么乐器,你也只能撩拔我,不能玩弄我。
Natelie jastrow, utterly gone, preoccupied him yet like a teasing mistress . 娜塔丽杰斯特罗虽然一去不复返了,却还象一个撩人心弦的娇妇人那样迷住他。
Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil . 突然他的眼睛眨巴了一下,仿佛看到了什么撩乱或惊扰他眸子的东西似的。
Sometimes in his room above he could hear her moving about, a tantalizing, faint, lovely noise . 有时候他在上边自己房间里能听到她在房间里走动,那是微弱可爱、撩人心怀的响动。
He pulled up the undershirt onto his chest and stood, his chest black, and big stomach muscles bulging under the light . 他把汗衫撩到胸部,露出黑黝黝的胸脯,大腹便便地站在灯下。
In a sort of ostentatious way, he drew back his coat sleeves, seized a bill of fare, and scanning the drink-list on the back . 他装腔作势地把上衣袖子往上一撩,拿起一份菜单,仔细看了看后面开列的酒名。
As he slept there stole into his consciousness a disturbing, rhythmic throbbing which he tried to fight off to keep from waking up . 他睡着的时候,有一种撩人的、有节奏的悸动潜入他的意识,他一心要把它赶走,不让自己醒来。