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English translation for "擅自进入"


Related Translations:
擅自:  do sth. without authorization; take the liberty; arbitrarily 短语和例子擅自逮捕 make unwarranted arrest; 擅自决定 make arbitrary decisions; 擅自离去 leave without notice; 擅自动用 take the liberty of using sth
擅自动用:  take the liberty of using sth
擅自入场:  crash the gate
擅自决定:  make arbitrary decisions
擅自抬价:  arbitrary price increase
擅自杀人:  unauthorized killing
擅自加价:  price raised without permission
擅自行动:  take presumptuous action on one's ownact presumptuously
擅自缺勤:  unauthorized absence
擅自提价:  arbitrary price increases
Example Sentences:
1.The children entered the concert without permission
2.He accused me of trespassing on his estate
3.Cause of the incident trespassing onto the track , accident , attempted suicide or suicide ; and
4.Digital certificates and encryption technology help to guard against unauthorised access and ensure confidentially of tender submission
5.According to kcrc by - laws , passengers are liable to a maximum penalty of $ 5 , 000 and six months imprisonment for going down onto the track and causing inconvenience
6.Guards of the military restricted zones shall have the right to stop according to law any unauthorized entry into any military restricted zone or any act which damages or endangers any military facilities
7.Access to or use of my ups , ups systems , services , content or information inconsistent with these terms and conditions or the terms and conditions of the ancillary agreements , as applicable , shall not be permitted
若不符合这些条款与细则或附属协议的条款,不得擅自进入或使用“我的ups ” 、 ups系统、服务、内容或信息。
8.In addition to the standard security features to protect against unauthorised access , the most advanced encryption technology is used to ensure that only authorised tenderers could submit bids , that their bids once submitted cannot be altered and that they remain encrypted and inaccessible by all parties until the electronic tender box is opened under the same kind of procedures as apply with our existing manual system
9.In addition to the standard security features to protect against unauthorised access , the most advanced encryption technology is used to ensure that only authorised tenderers could submit bids , that their bids once submitted cannot be altered and that they remain encrypted and inaccessible by all parties until the electronic tender box is opened under the same kind of procedures as apply with our existing manual system
Similar Words:
"擅自闯入者" English translation, "擅自逮捕" English translation, "擅自逮捕, 非法逮捕" English translation, "擅自动用" English translation, "擅自加价" English translation, "擅自进入者" English translation, "擅自进行煤炭生产的" English translation, "擅自经营精神药品的" English translation, "擅自拘留, 任意扣押" English translation, "擅自居住,擅自占地" English translation