[ shōulǎn ] 1.(收买拉拢) win over; buy over 2.(收拢把持) have within control
Related Translations:
收揽民心: win over the people's support; buy popular support
Example Sentences:
Not infrequently does the company take on good-record graduates . 该公司随时准备收揽成绩优异的学生。
There is the domestic version released in japan with a duration of 138 minutes , an " early - cut " international version approx . 110 minutes and a re - edited international version 120 minutes , which is the one i have watched 单从影片的不同版本已可看出,电影公司的野心不少,除了希望能笼络日本本土的观众外,更尝试收揽海外的影迷,把影片推向国际。
Starting from the big cruise and helicopter scene in the beginning , it is already trying very hard to tell the audience that it is not any ordinary action movie but a blockbuster , and the entire movie is always soaked in this upbeat and hilarious atmosphere that is like a big party 这个新的国际版亦是今次我观看的版本。单从影片的不同版本已可看出电影公司的野心不少除了希望能笼络日本本土的观众外更尝试收揽海外的影迷把影片推向国际。