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English translation for "攻克技术难关"

resolve key technical problems

Related Translations:
攻克:  capture; take 短语和例子攻克敌军据点 capture an enemy stronghold; 攻克技术难关 surmount a technical difficulty; solve a difficult technical problem
攻克柏林:  padeniye berlinathe fall of berlin
攻克癌症:  cure for cancer
攻克敌军据点:  capture an enemy stronghold
攻克敌人城市的战役:  a campaign to take the enemy city
攻克机动队红眼之章:  ghost_in-the_shell
难关:  difficulty; crisis; barrier; tight squeeze 短语和例子渡过难关 tide over a difficulty [crisis]; 攻克技术难关 break down a technical barrier; resolve key technical problems
度过难关:  pull throughtide over
难关重重:  a bundle of difficulties; a lot of obstacles
冲破难关:  reach [get to] smooth water
Example Sentences:
1.Now there are more than 260 employees in our team , 21 of whom are engineers , 37 of whom are professionals , and 45 of whom are our management team
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