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English translation for "攻关项目"

key scientific and technological difficulties to be tackled

Related Translations:
攻关:  1.(攻打关口) storm a strategic pass2.(比喻突破难点) tackle key problems◇攻关精神 the spirit of “storming the gate”; 攻关项目 key scientific and technological difficulties to be tackled; brainstorm project;
攻关成果:  achievement of tackling key problem
刻苦攻关:  storm strongholds in defiance of difficulties; study very hard
技术攻关:  strive to make technological breakthroughstrive to make techological breakthrough
攻关精神:  the spirit of storming the gate
科技攻关:  tackle hard-nut problems in science and technologytackle hard-nut problems on the strength of science and technology
攻关计划:  the program for tackling key problems
科研攻关:  scientific research and tackle the key research projecttackle key research issuetackle key research projectwork towards key technological breakthroughs
科学技术攻关:  tackle crucial research projects
科技攻关项目:  wissenschaftlich-technische schlüsselprojekte
Example Sentences:
1." cobase - a cooperative relational dbms , design and implementation
2.Summation of project for tackling high - yield of maize in junchuan farm in
3.The topic came from the research and development project in qiqihaer railway bureau
4.It has also won the prize of departmental science and technology outcome for many times
5.This thesis is supported by the national 973 project and key program sponsored by tianjin science and technology committee
6.The technology is derived from national " ninth - five - year plan " , and the model gt20 / 40 drum dryer is created originally in china
该系列产品为国家“九五”重点攻关项目,其中gt20 / 40型滚筒干燥机填补了国内空白。
7.The science and the technology commission of gansu province and the nwnu - kjcxgc - 03 of northwest normal university , supported this work
8.This dissertation is resulted from the national key project " research on automatic measurement system & equipment technology "
本文以国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目97 - 772 “自动测试系统与设备技术的研究”为主要研究背景开展的。
9.So the r & d of hsascrm , as well as casting and rolling crafts , was chosen to be the project of ktrdp in the 9th five - year plan by ndpc
10.This article is based on the item of science and technology office of heilongjiang province , and a process parameters model is built and optimized
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