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English translation for "攻坚不怕堡垒硬"

a valiant assault force does not fear a strong fortress

Related Translations:
攻坚:  [军事] storm fortifications; assault fortified positions 短语和例子攻坚不怕堡垒硬。 a valiant assault force does not fear a strong fortress.; 攻坚战 battle in which fortified positions are stormed; storming
开放攻坚:  open and storm fortification reform and follow-up stable and secure speed udevelopment
攻坚散结:  resolve mass and swellingresolving mass and swelling
攻坚弹:  dibber
任务攻坚队:  task force
扶贫攻坚计划:  poverty-relief program
具有科技攻坚能力:  be capable of tackling key research topics
不怕:  be not afraid of; not fear 短语和例子不怕艰难困苦 defy difficulties and hardships; 不怕牺牲 be not afraid of sacrifice; 不怕苦和死 without fear of hardship or death; 他不怕死。 he knows no fear of death
海盗堡垒:  viking fortress
不怕地:  fearlessly
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