| 1. | Representative of deputy secretary for education and manpower 教统局副秘书长代表 |
| 2. | Parents reminded to submit poa application forms 教统局提醒家长交回小一入学申请表 |
| 3. | Emb and hkcss called for donation of computers 教统局与社联呼吁各界捐赠旧电脑 |
| 4. | Committee on teachers work submits final report 教师工作委员会向教统局提交总结报告 |
| 5. | Emb seeks views on promoting it in education 教统局就资讯科技教育未来路向谘询公众 |
| 6. | Emb further integrates it in learning and teaching 教统局进一步把资讯科技融入学与教 |
| 7. | Emb switches to phase two of five - day week 教统局即将进入五天工作周第二阶段 |
| 8. | Emb s major service centres to remain open on saturdays 教统局服务中心星期六维持开放 |
| 9. | Emb welcomes appointment of commission of inquiry 教统局欢迎成立调查委员会 |
| 10. | Parents reminded to choose primary schools 教统局提醒家长为子女填选学校 |