| 1. | That knocks them out on education test alone . 这样,仅仅是教育程度的这一项测验就把他们淘汰了。 |
| 2. | Teach has the widest use in formal and informal situations and at all levels . Teach使用范围最广,可用于庄重的和一般的场合,可用于各种教育程度。 |
| 3. | Since there are no limits of class, inherited occupation or education to hold a child back, there are, in theory, no limits to what he can achieve . 既然一个儿童的发展不受等级、家庭出身和教育程度的限制,那么从理论上讲,他的成就也就没有限度了。 |
| 4. | The high quality of japanese education outside the cities has meant that migrants have been able to cope with city life and compete for city jobs . 日本的非城市人口都有很高的教育程度,这就意味着移居者是能够适应城市生活并能够胜任城市的工作岗位。 |
| 5. | The high quality of japanese education outside the cities has meant that migrants have been able to cope with city life and compete for city jobs . 日本城市以外的人们都有很高的教育程度,这就意味着移民者是能够适应城市生活和能够胜任城市的工作岗位的。 |
| 6. | Education is best described with a list 最好用列表的形式描述一下你的教育程度。 |
| 7. | Declaration of education level taken overseas education allowance 教育程度声明书 |
| 8. | Has at least sec 3 education , or its equivalent 拥有至少中三教育程度,或相等文凭 |
| 9. | His poor education is holding him back 他受的教育程度差,这阻碍了他的发展。 |
| 10. | Population aged 15 by educational attainment 十五岁及以上人口的教育程度分布 |