| 1. | The retail client who reads the research has no idea about any of these relationships 但阅读这份研究报告的散户投资者对里面的这些关系毫不知情。 ” |
| 2. | The majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operatio for i titutional and retail clients 大多数投资银行也会为一些机构和散户投资者做经纪和委托买卖业务。 |
| 3. | The majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operations for institutional and retail clients 大多数投资银行也会为一些机构和散户投资者做经纪和委托买卖业务。 |
| 4. | The hkma took the lead when it began offering exchange fund notes for subscription by retail investors in august 1999 金管局于一九九九年八月开创先河,向散户投资者发售外汇基金票据。 |
| 5. | The rally has been driven by powerful foreign liquidity and a resurgent participation in equities by small savers 外国流动资金投资强劲,散户投资者再度参与股市,推动了此次股市的大涨。 |
| 6. | Within this programme , the corporation attaches great importance to offering part of certain issues to retail investors 按揭证券公司对债券发行计划期望甚殷,希望于发行时向散户投资者发售部份债券。 |
| 7. | Easy access to broadband services has also contributed to the active participation of retail investors by reducing trading fees 宽带服务的普及也降低了交易费用,为散户投资者的积极参与助了一臂之力。 |
| 8. | Over time the listing is expected to enhance the secondary market liquidity of efns and broaden the investor base to the retail level 此举预计将可逐渐促进外汇基金债券在第二市场的流通量,并把投资者基础扩展至散户投资者。 |
| 9. | Over time the listing is expected to enhance the secondary market liquidity of efns and broaden the investor base to the retail level 此举预计将可逐渐促进外汇基金债券在第二市场的流通量,并把投资者基础扩展至散户投资者。 |
| 10. | Stock puff is the most obvious feature in china " s capital market and stock puff reduces the efficiency of stock market too 在“三维互动模型”中,三维是指我国资本市场中的主要的三个博弈方,他们是政府、机构投资者和散户投资者。 |