eliminating stagnation to remove abdominal mass
Related Translations:
散结: disperse accumulation of pathogendisperse the accumulation of evilsdisperse the obstructiondispersing accumulation of pathogendispersing taccumulation of pathogendissolve the massdissolvin
散结方: recipes for resolving lumps
攻坚散结: resolve mass and swellingresolving mass and swelling
散结止痛: disperse accumulation and check paineliminating stagnation to stop painremove obstruction and relieve pain
活血散结: promote blood circulation and resolve masses
化痰散结: [中医] reducing phlegm and resolving masses
散结消肿: eliminate the mass and relieve swelling
解毒散结: detoxicate and dissolve a massdetoxicate and resolve a massdetoxicating and resolving a massdiminishing stagnation by detoxification
软坚散结: dissipating massresolving the hard lumpssoften and resolve hard massessoften hard lumps and dispel nodessoftening and resolving hard mass
破瘀散结: removing blood stasis and resolving static blood