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English translation for "整治河道"

river regulation

Related Translations:
整治:  1.(修理; 整理) renovate; repair; dredge (a river, etc.) 短语和例子整治航道 dredge waterways; 整治河道 the realignment of a river; 整治机器 repair a machine2.(使吃苦头) punish; fix 短语和例子这坏蛋得整治一下 。 that scoundrel ne
浅滩整治:  regulation of shoalshoal regulation
整治机器:  repair a machine
河口整治:  estuary regulationoutlet regulationregulation of estuary
河岸整治:  bank regulation
河槽整治:  channel improvementchannel rectificationcorrection of channelrectification of channelregulation of channel
枯水整治:  low water regulationlow-water regulation
整治航道:  dredge waterways
沟壑整治:  gully correction
整治设施:  regulatory works
Example Sentences:
1.Flood control and regulation of the yellow river at lanzhou section
2.To meet the needs of local residents , the north district council also carries out environmental improvement projects , which include river regulation , repair and construction of bridges and roads , etc
3.Article 20 where the realignment of river courses or lakes involves navigable waterways , full consideration should be given to the requirements for navigation and views solicited in advance from the administrative departments for transportation
4.On 18 september 2003 , ced s consultant inspected jointly with the contractor the pebbles stockpiled near hau wong temple at tung chung and was advised that the materials belonged to a construction company carrying out " flood protection " works for the stream
5.The realignment of river courses in rivers which are suitable for bamboo and log rafting or in fishery water areas should take into account the needs for bamboo and log water transportation and fishery development and views should be sought in advance from the administrative departments for forestry and fishery
6.Article 55 any violator of the provisions of article 19 of this law who fails to follow the planned realigning and leading line to realign river courses and build up construct ion projects for leading the river direction or protecting embankments shall , if the flood control work is affected , be ordered to stop the illegal act , restore to the original state or take other remedies and may be concurrently fined not less than rmb 10 , 000 yuan and not more than rmb 100 , 000 yuan
7.In case where violation of requirements in the consent document for planning affects flood control but remedies can be taken , the violator shall be ordered to take remedies within a time limit and may be concurrently fined not less than rmb 10 , 000 yuan and not more than rmb 100 , 000 yuan
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