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English translation for "文件保留"

file locking

Related Translations:
保留空域:  reserved airspace
保留颜色:  leave color
分开保留:  isolating and maintaining
保留卷:  reserved volume
保留装置:  retaining device
保留距离:  braking distance
保留盈余:  reserve surplusreserved surplusretained earnings internal source of capitalretained surplus
保留复制:  conservative replicationsemiconservation replication
历史保留:  historic preservation
风险保留:  risk retention
Example Sentences:
1.Property is used as the default keep file indicator
2.The data and log files remain in the their default locations
3.The web . config file remains in the project directory and is not renamed
Web . config文件保留在项目目录中并且没有重命名。
4.The original file is left in place as a placeholder for fulfilling requests
5.Maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that still exist on the client
6.Maximum number of backup versions to retain for files that have been deleted on the client
7.Use this option to specify how long visual studio keeps files created for autorecovery
使用此选项可以指定visual studio对于为自动恢复创建的文件保留多长时间。
8.You are given the choice of adding the file to your project or leaving it in its original location
9.You will be given the choice of adding the file to your project or leaving the file in its original location
10.Files are automatically kept or deleted on completion of the compilation based on their associated keep files value
Similar Words:
"文件保护功能" English translation, "文件保护和分类处" English translation, "文件保护环" English translation, "文件保护开关" English translation, "文件保护装置" English translation, "文件保留期" English translation, "文件保密" English translation, "文件保险器" English translation, "文件保险箱" English translation, "文件保真度" English translation