[ liàoshìrúshén ] foretell like a prophet [spirit]; foresee with divine accuracy; foretell things accurately; foretell with miraculous accuracy; he can make very exact predictions.; he has a prophetic eye.; he has knowledge of things long before they occur.; he has the gift to a seer.; he is possessed of a second sight.; his prescience of events is prodigious.; one's foresight is godlike.; predict like a prophet
Yes-but how you guess everything ! 对,你真是料事如神,一猜就着!
- he could see the chemistry . - i guess -他真是料事如神-是的
He could see the chemistry . - i guess 他真是料事如神-是的
Eg : my mother ' s got a sixth sense . she knows when it ' s going to rain 我妈妈真是料事如神啊!她知道什么时候要下雨。
Since i cannot foretell things like a prophet , i cannot help taking a small loss 我又不能料事如神,总不免要吃点小亏。
Seen on the balcony , a mass of flourishing foliage came to my eyes , and the tall hedges and the narrow footpath seemed to dispose me in the idyllic life depicted by the famous poet tao yuanming 在赞叹自己料事如神的同时,我被这秀丽的南国风景折服了。眼前绿树挺拔,层层叠叠,还有那高高的树篱和曲径通幽的小路,仿佛置身于陶公所描绘的田园生活中。