断章取义: interpret out of context; garble a statement; make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context; quote a remark out of its context (and leave out the main point) 短语和例子这几句断章取义的话好像很伤他的心。his
窜改: alter; manipulate; tamper with; falsify 短语和例子窜改记录 tamper with the minutes; 窜改原文 alter the original text; 窜改原则 adulterate a principle; 窜改帐目 falsify accounts; 他们发现这份遗嘱被窜改了。 the falsification
曲解: (deliberately) misinterpret; distort; misrepresent; twist 短语和例子曲解别人的话 twist sb.'s words; 曲解法律 wrest the law; 他曲解这些字的真正意义。 he has wrung the words from their true meaning. 你曲解了我的动机。 you have