| 1. | One of the funeral jobs led to a terrible row between crass and sawskins . 有一次,因为办一件丧事,克拉斯和索金斯大吵了一场。 |
| 2. | The next morning, when misery went to the "cave", he was in a fearful rage, and he kicked up a terrible row with crass . 第二天早上,瘟神到“窑洞别墅”来,怒气冲冲地对克拉斯大发脾气。 |
| 3. | Fellow initiates in costa rica packing relief items 哥斯大黎加同修打包赈灾品。 |
| 4. | Costa rica , february 9 , 1991 originally in english 哥斯大黎加1991 . 2 . 9原文为英文 |
| 5. | 1986 lie wiesel 1987 oscar arias snchez costa rica 1987年奥斯卡a桑杰斯哥斯大黎加 |
| 6. | Cried grace . the three gentlemen retreated simultaneously 格雷斯大喝一声。 |
| 7. | I think chancellor palpatine is a sith lord 我认为帕尔帕廷议长就是西斯大帝 |
| 8. | Palpatine is the sith lord we ' ve been looking for 帕尔帕丁就是我们一直在寻的西斯大帝 |
| 9. | Encounter with a costa rican indigenous culture 体验哥斯大黎加原住民文化 |
| 10. | By the costa rica news group originally in spanish 哥斯大黎加新闻组报导原文为西班牙文 |