| 1. | The more disturbing than redmond purdy incident was the rivalry of a new chicago street-railway company . 比雷蒙巴狄事件更令人心烦的是来自一家新成立的芝加哥市内铁路公司的竞争。 |
| 2. | In general patton the commander of the newly formed u.s third army, the americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of rommel in african . 在新成立的美国第三集团军司令巴顿将军身上,美国人找到了一个坦克将军,与非洲的隆美尔一样骁勇善战。 |
| 3. | The newly - established ura faces immense challenges ahead 新成立的市建局任重道远。 |
| 4. | He got commissions from the new north african governments , 他接受了新成立的北非政府的使命 |
| 5. | This committee will come under the new education department 这个委员会将归新成立的教育系领导。 |
| 6. | They also provide useful information for new start - ups 这些网站也为新成立的公司提供有用的资料。 |
| 7. | A special court has now been established to look into such cases 这类案件现由一个新成立的特别法庭处理。 |
| 8. | The initiates of laos are new members the quan yin family 在观音家族中,寮国小中心算是较新成立的共修中心。 |
| 9. | It ' s for a start - up company . kind of a " sleeping giant , " we call it 一间新成立的公司.我们称这种公司作"沉睡的巨人 |
| 10. | And the newly established 、及新成立的 |