| 1. | I ’ m a pupil in new education experimental school 我是新教育实验学校的一名学生。 |
| 2. | New education concept in undergraduate education in universities 谈大学本科的新教育观念 |
| 3. | The government ' s put the clock back with its new plans for education 政府的新教育计划其实是一种复旧。 |
| 4. | On liang su - ming ' s new education 试论梁漱溟的新教育探索 |
| 5. | Seeking a new educational coordinate against the background of globalization 教育全球化背景下新教育价值坐标探寻 |
| 6. | On the new type of education after abolishing the imperial examinations in late qing dynasty 晚清科举制废除以后新教育的发展及存在的问题 |
| 7. | They have increased opportunities for global academic networking and for doing deals to secure new educational business 他们已经增加对全球学术网络和从事保证新教育商业的机会。 |
| 8. | Women in late qing dynasty : new education and old morality . xia xiaohong a brief probe into quan deyu s poetic creation . yang guorong 晚清女性:新教育与旧道德以杜成淑拒屈fea7函为案例夏晓虹 |
| 9. | The education has been changing to nurture this kind of persons and the roles of headteachers have to make a change to meet the change of education 新时期、新教育及班主任角色的转换要求与之相适应的高素质的班主任。 |
| 10. | In china , we should give up copying the modem western educational model and set up a new educational model fitting the knowledge economy era 就中国而言,要走出模仿近代西方的适应工业文明的教育模式,建立适应知识经济时代新教育。 |