[ pángruòwúrén ] act as if there was no one else present -- self-assured or supercilious; act as if no one was nearby -- an unwarranted assumption of airs; act or talk in a supercilious manner; as if nobody else besides oneself counts; as if nobody were near him; as if no one was about; as if there was nobody present; as though no one were nearby; completely informal; have no regard for others
The quail were walking around like pullets, seeming all dainty and unseen . 雏鸡似的鹌鹑在周围漫步,一副旁若无人的神气,十分娇美。
The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of victims, but they speak as if they were alone . 他俩站在急速稀少下去的牺牲者群中,但是他俩旁若无人地说话。
Marcus tramped up the front steps and rang the door bell boldly, to show his independence . 马革士踏上门前台阶,神气活现地按了按铃,一脸旁若无人的样子。
When they were together, doing the things they enjoyed, the two sisters were quite complete in a perfect world of their own . 每当姐妹俩在一起的时候,她们随心所欲,旁若无人。
I can ' t believe talbert would go around me like this 真难以相信塔尔博特在这里旁若无人的行事态度
It used to be a mark of insanity to see people talk to themselves 旁若无人地自言自语曾被视为精神不正常
I saw you strutting your stuff through the campus wearing the hottest style the other day 那天我看见你穿着最新的时装在校园内昂首阔步,旁若无人。
So , work like you don ' t need money : love like you ' ve never been hurt ; and dance like no one ' s watching 因此,投入地工作,让人觉得你并不需要钱财;倾心地去爱,让人觉得你不曾被伤害过,旁若无人地尽情去舞吧。
Finally , there at the arrival gate , appeared a man , tall and big , beaming and buoyant , proud and self - important , just like the past great leader 终于,在抵达出口处出现了一位又高又大,红光满面,旁若无人,犹如伟大领袖般的男士。
Happiness is a journey , not a destination , so work like you don ' t need money , love like you ' ve never been hurt , dance like no one is watching 幸福是一种过程,而不是一种结果。所以工作时不怀求利之心;热恋时仿佛从不曾受伤害;起舞时应旁若无人,独享其乐。