English translation for "无工厂"
- fabless
Related Translations:
口袋工厂: bnvc ansynfacpocket factory 工厂设计: designoftheplantplant design 附属工厂: captive shopsu idiary plantsubsidiary plant
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Jennic is unique in combining expertise in systems and software with world class rf and digital chip design , so our integrated circuit solutions for these wireless sensor networks lead the market in size , power , and cost 2004重新定位,成为技术领先的无工厂半导体供应商。核心技术: rf与混合讯号设计,嵌入式系统及网路协定开发。超过四十人的技术团队,超过五年的共同开发经验。 | | 2. | As a fabless semiconductor company that designs high - performance chipsets , so far the company is the only chip company gets funding from sarft to develop both receiver and transmitter chips , which demonstrates the strong regulatory support we get from the government authorities 作为一家设计高性能芯片的无工厂半导体公司,创毅视讯得到了政府监管部门的强力扶持,目前公司是唯一的一家获得广电总局资金资助的收发芯片设计企业。 |
- Similar Words:
- "无梗五加逮 k3" English translation, "无梗五加苷" English translation, "无梗五加苷,无梗五加甙,五加甙" English translation, "无梗孢子" English translation, "无工不富" English translation, "无工厂半导体协会" English translation, "无工会政策" English translation, "无工业价值的" English translation, "无工作" English translation, "无工作的" English translation