Staff are advised to follow guidelines of aseptic technique when performing wound dressing 护理员必需依从无菌技术见后页的换症方法。
Staff are advised to follow guidelines of aseptic technique when performing wound dressing 护理员必需依从无菌技术(见后页)的换症方法。
It depends on the proper handling of intravenous technique and rigid aseptic technique 老师:这取决于正确的静脉注射操作规程和严格的无菌技术。
Comply with the rule of aseptic technique during wound dressing see below . 2 cleaning of wound : - always wipe from inside to outside and not vice versa -保持伤口清洁,换症洗伤口及换敷料时须执行无菌技术见下页,确保所需物料经过消毒杀菌程序。
Aseptic technique is the technique aiming to prevent all kinds of microorganisms from invading the body in the process of medical treatment and nursing care and it also means the technique that prevent germ free articles and environment from contaminated 答:无菌技术是指在医疗、护理操作中,防止一切微生物侵入人体和防止无菌物品,无菌区域被污染的操作技术。