Putting new wine into old bottles is now to be applauded “旧瓶装新酒”如今备受赞同。
Do not put new wine into old bottles 不要旧瓶装新酒。
New wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒。
New wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒
However , documents often end up in strange places in legacy systems where no one really considered or understood the consequences of putting new wine in old bottles 但是,遗留系统中文档常常在奇怪的地方结束,没有人真正认识到或者理解那些字符序列仅仅是旧瓶装新酒。
However , his career didn t truly explode until titanic , the blockbuster movie that landed no fewer than eleven oscars . his good looks and outstanding acting skills made this romantic lover of the third class an instant idol around the world . though leo wasn t among the oscar nominees for titanic , he remained busy with promotional tours and starring in his new movie , the man in the iron mask 在这部充满性暗示和暴力的旧瓶装新酒式的莎士比亚名剧中,他的表演被评论界称为具有“毁灭性” ,融狂躁不安反叛精神和多愁伤感于一体的“罗密欧” ,使他成为好莱坞“最沉郁最富伤害性最深情的男明星” 。